Oh you, sacred little tree that has taken over my back yard... you are like an everlasting part of us all. Your auric field like ours ever exchanging energy with the world around you, changing your genetic code to change with the tide of the planet. According to Pohala, "fern spores are the most ancient, pure, and unfiltered structure on this planet and who carry the uncontaminated codes of the primordial, the source of all intelligence, and Source (God) itself, ka mea nānā I hana."
Fern plant medicine is the medicine of emotional healing. There are Divine Feminine ferns and there are Divine Masculine ferns. I was taught in my Limpia training, which is a shamanic practice for clearing our bodies of the negative emotions, negative thoughts and soul traumas we've been holding onto. Some of the energy can be ancestral and sometimes it can be a negative "curse" that could have been placed on yourself unintentionally. The Fern can be used with traditional cleansing practices like these to sweep and clean the energy field. As a reminder, ask the plant spirit if you are going to pick and use it in your ceremony.
I am reminded of the book (and movie) from my childhood; "Where The Wild Ferns Grow". A tale of love and loss, and in the end he learns to let go of more than he ever thought he could. As I cleared out the "fantasy " with the ferns, what I realized was that this was what I had to do as well. The one path was old, and it wasn't right for me. The other path was too broken hearted and I had to let it go as well. I am reminded that the path we walk on this sacred journey will always end with us crossing the finish line alone.
As I learn and grow, and love and let go, it is knowingly within that love always remains in our hearts.
That's the struggle, isn't it. To love and let go, yet hold that love in your heart without creating a darkness. To hold that space without crumbling. To wish, without expectations. Life teaches us that it takes more than patience to allow ourselves to be open to love. You have to be open to pain. You have to be willing to be broken wide open knowing that love may not love back, or remain in love, and understanding that wholeness is path forward. It is as the ferns. Love can be cleansing, and love can be a curse.