Energy Magic Possibilities

Energy Magic Possibilities I Revenue Funnels for Energy Workers Reiki Aromatherapy Essential Oil Healers Crystals

What question is yours to be asked?

As Energy Healers we aren't always into the whole concept of what is possible. We aren't even aware of all of the things from everyone else that we have taken on that aren't doing us any contributions. We are living this very uncongruent life, and I think it is because we are first holding onto so many beliefs and judgments in order to call ourselves wounded (victimhood), but also because when we are closed off to the vast amount of possibilities out there for us we cannot be hurt, we cannot fail.

I knew I was intuitive as a teen, looking back on things that had happened in my childhood I was manipulating this reality, talking to Spirit and sparking magic from the time I was a part of this current world . In High School I was practicing my astral projecting with my "witchy" friend, who is now an amazing Shamanic Woman!

I was always attracting like minded healers because we could sense the energy alchemy. It's how you found me here today. Have you ever lost yourself in a good book (movie, tv show, shiny object) as a way to shut off the empathic sludge? That was you manipulating your energy or quantum field. The big Secret is you cannot create in a fantasy world and expect to attain in a reality as expansive as this. The way we have been trained to manifest is to keep what we desire ahead of us, and keep it away from our being for as long as possible. This brings us that desired life experience and change in our human experience. Don't we require as much of that as possible? What if that isn't the truth of what creationism is meant to truly be? What if instead you are missing the point - which is why you come back and again and again - hoping to finally catch on and create a new Earth in this lifetime. Your life is about energy, it's about knowing your master archetype, and then listening for the magic to appear.

Over the last several decades I have worked in many modalities of energy including those I have created on my own, and I am trained in various natural healing alternatives. I felt called to the intuitive tool we call tarot as an offering to help others tune in and resonate with their highest vibration of love. Tarot is a space shifter where you can work through the transformation of matter if you so choose. We all desire love, and love desires us as the highest frequency of all. So when you listen to the collectively inherited unconscious ideas, pattern of thought, image of belief, old paradigms, etc - you are really seeing your shadow self and what you are creating in the future. This allows you to open up to creating bigger. 

When we open up energetically, it asks a lot from our physical bodies. These 3D bodies are constantly exposed to negative energy that lowers our vibrational frequency. A low vibe can come from people we associate with, disturbing news stories (which is what we could have named the year 2020), addictions, environmental toxins, our own negative belief systems, emotionally charged healing processes associated with releasing those beliefs and non-serving paradigms... and of course poor diet. When we focus on daily nutrient-dense, balanced, gorgeous, colorful, vibrant nutritional support, it gives us a supercharge for our energetic frequencies. This to me is the smartest way to create those energy magic possibilities from the inside ionic particles to the outside microbiota alien community (if you haven't heard me talk about how we are all a little bit of the Peanut's character, Pig Pen... please reach out.) We want that expansive ascension to our highest space of creation. This is my easiest support tool. Hippocrates gave us the famous quote about using food a medicine, but the original Greek oath, literally translates as: “I will apply dietetic and lifestyle measures to help the sick to my best ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and injustice.” As a healer and nutritional therapeutic practitioner - this magic possibility really is exactly that! 

Barbara xx

I love working with individuals, but I love being able to reach vastly, and in this new global truth this is our greatest ability to connect from anywhere with anyone! We all want the golden ticket, and we all desire something that is vastly our own purpose.

I am a crazy, joyful Unicorn, and I am inviting you to ask if there is something more you desire that has brought you here.

I discovered how essential nutritional vibrations were when I was looking for a natural way to help my body get out of the rut it was in after having my daughter. I was surprised to connect with an amazing doctor/yogi who engaged me in thinking about my nutrients in a way I had never thought of before. Thought is powerful, and in the past five years I have been changed powerfully by those thought vibrations. In truth not only did I love the idea of teaching others to nourish their bodies in a highly sustainable way, but I know that nutrition enhances the energetic vibrations I have been sharing with others.

So when you combine the high vibrations of whole foods, items like meditation, yoga, energetic crystals and choice... what else is possible?

Each day I am in awe of how kind and heart centered this contribution to my business, and my clients has been. People have a disconnect with food, but they are starting to awaken.

I love this business model - where helping others succeed is in line with your own success. Opportunities like this can literally multiply your income in a way that has endless possibilities.

If you are looking to learn more about alternative energy therapies and products. I offer team coaching and 1:1 coaching to help you get started.


That's okay, because you can host a social event start experiencing the amazing energy from sharing meal plans, and meal prepping AND save tons of money through learning how to create a healthy plan for yourself, and perhaps even your family. It’s easy! It's easy to host a fun foodie fest with your friends and by introducing your friends you whole foods you can gain so much more financially, too! Again I am a crazy, joyful Unicorn, and I am inviting you to ask if this lights you up because that is what opens up possibilities... asking.

I admit that originally I thought that "it wasn't my thing". I am into smudge sticks, and aromatherapy, plants, tarot, stones and energy sessions. But I tried it, and it helped me feel and my family change our dynamic quantum field. (I've been able to have the driven data from my quantum sessions with myself that showcases just how much my auric field resonates with it.)

Just the basics drew me in. There are other companies I could have partnered with, but I didn't feel the good vibes that I did with this one. First, I think that if you partner with a company, you should not have to buy in order to earn. Other organizations I have seen in this sector of wellness require you to have volume even just to earn a percentage of your sales. None of my partnerships in that sort of genre have ever worked out. 

I sort of fell in love at first sight. I loved the idea that the ingredients were allowing their people to become the storytellers of their hearts desires. I loved that it was whole food based, and not box based. I loved that they were adding to your vibe in the best way and they it was started as something quite meaningful, and even protective for the creator's father. Life is a journey, and the choice of where it leads us is ours!! The door was suddenly there.

So many benefits!!

You have a gorgeous online website, and I love that. 
No need to carry an inventory that you will not use.
There are no commitments! Even if you don't build you will earn from any sales, and you will use this, unlike so many other items that in 2020 have become something we realize are not essential.

As a full in business partner you can share your amazing lifestyle with those in many countries. As well you will earn both on your own efforts and by supporting your teammates to rise up beside you. Really it's an amazing way to build a tribe of goodness. I offer team coaching and 1:1 coaching to help you get started. 

As you promote this wellness lifestyle and not just products, you'll earn a generous commissions on all of the sales you refer to your link. Easy peasy. With a small annual cost of $50 in franchise fees you can start building that residual income that is as passive and joyful as it gets. I ask you how much better it can get? If you are looking to add to your essential oil, yoga, energy based business as a Reiki or other modality healer, this just makes sense. I love it when you join in to be an influence for good.

Doesn't this just feel light? Do you want to learn more? 

Or continue on to learn a little more and get started with my team... 

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