Realizing You'll Never Be Enough Is Enough

By Barbara Christensen - 10:04 PM


Realizing You Will Never Be Enough Is Enough

As I stood there watching the pivotal moment in Encanto, it was like watching my life. I had come to the place where I had accepted that I wasn't enough for the karmic relationships, and I could never be enough transactionally in the divine partnerships. Nor, would I want to be. That truth, in fact, was probably what stopped me time and time again from attaining the success that I desired in my life. Not wanting to be desired only for my success - and yet not being overly successful because that's what created complications in the past.

I was finally ready to let go of all of those relationships and just be. I had not come into this world to be alone, and here through healing I was realizing that perhaps that was exactly what I was being called to.

When the Divine Feminine energy looks in the mirror of the transactional Divine Masculine energy the mirror energy is more prostitution of her energy than being the gift of the soul. The soul seeks service and to receive in a healthy spiritual alignment. She finds that in Spirit, the way that the Medicine Women have always found their power. Spirit lifts her up and out of the race with a purity of love. Her tears met with joy. No ask to be enough - because as the balance of Universal Light - she is everything she needs to be.

I believe that the Journal of Women's Health study found older women who go through a divorce or separation are more likely to experience positive changes in their health. These single women are happier than their male single counterpart. This is true of all Divine Feminine energies, female or male. The desire to care for yourself, outweighs the desire for companionship. Companionship can be had on the weekend and spirituality keeps you in pace every day. 

So realizing that you can't shape yourself ever into the perfect being that your divine partner seeks is freeing. It allows you to shape yourself into the you that is happy, free thinking, and creative in the way you were before you were told what lot in life you had to be.

I am not chasing money, she says. 

I am not chasing actions, she says.

I am not chasing your thoughts, she says. 

I am not even chasing your mind, she says.

I shall no longer chase that which cannot be in the flow of divine creation.

She has stood and looked in the mirror. Honoring the softness, her curves, the scars. She sees the beauty she has grown into. If that magnificent flow of energetic source is not enough as she is, then it isn't her. She finally understands.

The Empress is renewal in her every breathe and all abundance that follows is her creation. No war, no seeking to outshine - flowers do nothing to attract the bee. Until the New Emperor arrives in the Sovereignty of caregiving for the land to maintain the fertility of the Earth, not the grab for more land - she receives from above, and she sustains so below. All that she is and needs will flow through source, and the milk & honey will always be hers.

The light of the cosmos warms, the water of the ocean shines, the divine earth holds her close, the celestial truth is sweeter than the bitter orange. That, my friend, is enough. Divine Feminine, you are enough just as you are.

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