What The Heart Creates

By Barbara Christensen - 8:58 PM


What The Heart Creates I Mindset Unicorn I Twin Flame Journey

Over three years ago my heart awakened to a very different reality. I was already on a spiritual awakening, but this was something that I cannot explain to someone that has not experienced it. Soul recognition is only one part of this awakening. 

It started what I like to call a love story with myself, because through this process I learned who I was, and it wasn't a straight line. Like all journeys this one was this way and that way, and then cycled back for more several times. As I am writing this I am finally at the place that I can call, acceptance. That space where I am "love". 

You will know when you get there because you have no more desire to chase, run, subdue, control. You accept your role, and you acknowledge the obstacles as lessons. This is where you have absorbed the information so deeply that it resonates through your entire body, and yet doesn't determine your next breath. Finally... you can breathe. 

Through this journey I created a love letter to myself, and as such to the one who I am forever bonded to in the energy field. This was written in my body talk, my mindset, my accomplishments, my starlight. It was in my affirmations, my advice, and everywhere that I was growing, breaking apart, growing more and coming into my truth. Life is love, and love is vulnerability and I have been living. 

I would bet that I have a completely different DNA than I started with, because everything about myself has shifted and changed. I started this journey as a holistic wellness coach with an affinity for essential oils, and plant based living - but I turned into this ball of woo sitting with spirit, talking to rocks, calling on divinity and writing not one book, but two new books to boot. I released forty pounds of sludgy energy, and I still am a work in progress but I feel my body, rather than judge it now. I honor my self, my ancestors, and yet I no longer feel that I am bound to their generational wounds and lessons. This is the sacred journey within the divine journey that starts with a spark, and then moves inside of your soul to balance your inner union. I am in union.

relationship status twin flame union

I now hold that channel open in a space to start working with divine feminine and divine masculine energy in 2022. What is being created I cannot fully see yet, but twice a month I will be offering channeled sessions.  What is required of us for a new reality to come into being? What is available in the here and now? 

My love letters have been written, the seeds planted, and if this lifetime is only about my inner bond with myself, I am okay with letting that enlighten my path for the next fifty plus years. As I am writing this I smell tobacco. Tobacco carries thoughts and wishes to the Spirit world, but it is also my connection to my best friend, and my father on the other side. I am beautifully honored that the spirit of tobacco has come forward to hear what my heart has created, and I hope that you find your heart opening up to create as well. 

Much love, 

Barbara xx

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