The Sumerian word for life and breathe are the same. I wrote about Enki before in the channeled stories. We are reminded that Enki has now been returning every three years to remind us of union, as the two will always find and become one again. He uses the frequency of the sound of HU, third person singular of union of feminine and masculine God/Goddess love. I also wrote in 'Celestial Spark' about the cataclysmic stellar explosions, which happen every thirty years, that were shown as being aligned to the completion of Enki’s messages to the hearts of the divine lovers in each celestial lifetime. Every awakening takes less time than a second of our time space reality. Mine we're exactly thirty years apart. Different bodies but the same stellar explosion within me. Enki has a lost book within the Dogon, who knew about the hidden Sirius before we had the technologies to know a second twin star existed.
So how does this bring me to Lilith? The Dogon temple's book says that long ago an ark descended to the ground amid a great wind, Lilith. Yes, she was made of the stardust, as we are all made, as an equal to the masculine divine frequency. She was created to bring life, through breathe. She, the night wind or night breathe, that invoke our kundalini activation. To be in union is to know all. Why would the God of illuminated light not want Adam and Lilith to know all through union?
We are taught that the God "gatekeeper" of paradise cast Lilith out rather than allowing divine union, and created a double masculine, Eve, the karmic Feminine energy to obey. But Lilith frees her and the masculine through the knowledge that was always within the Tree of Life.
Despite knowing that setting the karmic creation free could destroy her chance to ever re-know union, she believes that knowledge is more pure than living in deception. The Divine Masculine was lured here by the promise of journey and knowledge, but the knowledge was to be hidden. Although lured into this dimension from our pure soul space, we came through the purification of water for so many reasons. It also meant going through the dark matter so that we could retain some knowledge of who we are, infinitely. This to not forget our yin-yang truth.
The Zohar says, "For every man who is compounded of the four elements is accompanied by four angels on his right hand and four on his left, those already named; and from the side of his body Metatron presses close to him at the right and Samael at the left. " I find this interesting not just because my personal chart is equal parts of each element, but we are made of these elements, ourselves. So we have the angelic guard always within us and in your auric field. Why would we require this?
The angelic gatekeepers of the garden, how is it that their swords could not keep Lilith from re-entering as the Kundalini frequencies? Is it because once she had understood the divine knowledge she realized she was a part of the Tree, as we all are? These guards, keruv, are shown on the left keruv a luxuriant tree that represents blessings or fertility. Yet the right keruv’s barren tree signifies the curses of disobedience. Only our disbelief of our creation to find our personal union keeps us from growth. The angels, our cosmic sefirot, have full access to all knowledge, and stand without the need to reconsider this.
If there's a true mission to keep us from our divinity, it is to beleive in the karmic nature of unknowing. Lilith could not have loved Adam more. She gave him the freedom of choice to choose to live life with a small piece of hinself, or to seek union and have no limits. The right side in shamanic work is masculine energies. The karmic lover is our own deep masculine lessons created from that tiny space within. Lilith destroyed her life in Eden, which is not the true soul space, just an illusion, to seek true union. Yet, she won't allow her life to be a path of only living next to the "side piece", which Eve represents.
When you meet the divine frequency, there will always be a karmic cord that is waiting to be severed. Not all will choose TI. Breathing brings with it healing, growth, pain, and expansion. Will you choose like Lilith??
My channeled lyrical poem:
"Side Life"
I found him living on the side of something
I found him living on the side of life
I thought maybe he could be mine someday
I didn't know it couldn't be this life
I found him living on the side of something
I found him living on the side of life
I didn't know he could be mine someday
I didn't know until my suicide
I didn't know until my suicide
I kill everything around me
I kill everything despite my cries
I feel everything inside me
I just can't live inside his side
I just can't live inisde his side
I walked up into the garden
I walked in to take a closer view
It said do you want to be a rib, too
Or take a bite and find a different hue
I took a taste and found it bitter
I took a taste and found it filled my hair
I didn't know that I was naked
Until I fell and saw he didn't care
Until I fell and saw he didn't care
I kill everything around me
I kill everything despite my cries
I feel everything inside me
I just can't live inside his side
I just can't live inisde his side
I fell down, he looked upon me
I fell down deep, into this suicide
I knew he never really saw me
I didn't know the growth until I died
I fell down into the valley
I feel through the darkest part of mine
I walked away to live without me
I walked away to follow death tonight
I walked away to break apart my life
I kill everything around me
I kill everything despite my cries
I feel everything inside me
You are the final taste of suicide
I hope you find the truth without my eyes.
-Barbara Christensen
Do you remember now?
Enki last sparked the 6.6 Sun (East/New Beginning) October 22, 2023. Now through February 10, 2027 will be a time of great growth for the awakened lovers and activated souls.
Choose to know.