Overcoming Belief To Open Up To Possibilities

By Barbara Christensen - 7:54 PM

Overcoming Belief To Open Up To Possibilities I Mindset Unicorn

BEFORE approaching the fundamental principles of what is possible, it may be of benefit to you to keep in mind the fact that it is practicality that closes us off. That it brings you the discoveries of the universe, is always open to you regardless of if you believe that or not.

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of progress and self-development. You might as well lay this article aside and stop right here as to approach this lesson with the feeling that it was written by some granola hippie who had never tested the principles of fear and possibilities.

Surely this is no age for the skeptic, because it is an age in which we have seen more of Nature's laws uncovered and harnessed than had been discovered in all past history of the human race. Within three decades we have witnessed the mastery of the air; we have explored the ocean; we have all but annihilated distances on the earth; we have harnessed the lightning and made it turn the wheels of industry; we have made seven blades of grass grow where but one grew before; we have instantaneous communication between the nations of the world. Truly, this is an age of illumination and awe, but we have as yet barely scratched the surface of knowledge. However, when we shall have unlocked the gate that leads to the secret power which is stored up within us it will bring us knowledge that will make all past discoveries pale into oblivion by comparison. And truth, isn't it all already there?

Thought is the most highly organized form of energy known to man, and has been measured by science. This knowledge of the biology in belief gives us a greater understanding of that mysterious force called thought, which reposes within us. We have already found out enough about the human mind to know that we should throw off the accumulated effects of a thousand generations of fear. Yes through the aid of the principle of suggestive marketing, we are more fearful than we ever have been before.

In the last two years I have discovered the fact that fear is the chief reason in our society for poverty and failure, loneliness and misery . The creation of self-confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear, which sits upon our shoulder and whispers into our ear, "You can't do it - you are afraid to try - you are afraid of public opinion - you are afraid that you will fail - you are afraid you do not have the ability - you do not have enough money - you do not have enough power."

This fear entity becomes very close to you, and slides it's whispers into your being at every chance it gets. Science has found a deadly weapon with which to put it to flight, it's called awareness and choice. When we release all of those past beliefs then self-confidence gives us the weapon to use in our battle with the world-old enemy of progress, fear.

THE SIX BASIC FEARS OF MANKIND: Every person falls heir to the influence of six basic fears. Under these six fears may be listed the lesser fears. The six basic or major fears are here enumerated and the sources from which they are believed to have grown are described.

The six basic fears are:

1) The fear of Poverty
2) The fear of Old Age
3) The fear of Criticism
4) The fear of Loss of Love of Someone.
5) The fear of Ill Health
6) The fear of Death.

Study the list, then take inventory of your own fears and ascertain under which of the six headings you can classify them. These are your beliefs ... and they are the enemy that blocks your movement forward.

Every human being who has reached the age of understanding is bound down, to some extent, by one or more of these six basic fears. As the first step in the elimination of these six beliefs is to examine the sources from whence we inherited them, and return them sender with contribution. They ARE NOT yours. Your belief has to be from that light that shines through ever spark of creation. To believe is to be aware, not to bury yourself in a static text.

All that man is, both physically and mentally, came to us through two forms of heredity. One is known as physical heredity and the other is called social heredity.

Through the law of physical heredity man has slowly evolved from the amoeba (a single-cell animal form), through stages of development corresponding to all the known animal forms now on this earth, including those which are known to have existed but which are now extinct. When we add in the idea of genetics and epigenetics every generation has also added to nature something of the traits, habits and physical appearance of that generation.  Our physical inheritance, therefore, is a heterogeneous collection of many habits (beliefs and emotions) and physical forms (genetics).

There seems little, if any, doubt that while the six basic fears of man could not have been inherited through physical heredity (these six basic fears being mental states of mind and therefore not capable of transmission through physical heredity), it is obvious that through physical heredity a most favorable lodging place for these six fears has been provided.

For example, it is a well known fact that the whole process of physical evolution is based upon death, destruction, pain and cruelty; that the elements of the soil of the earth find transportation, in their upward climb through evolution, based upon the death of one form of life in order that another and higher form may subsist. All vegetation lives by "eating" the elements of the soil and the elements of the air. All forms of animal life live by "eating" some other and weaker form, or some form of vegetation.

The cells of all vegetation have a very high order of intelligence. The cells of all animal life likewise have a very high order of intelligence. Undoubtedly the animal cells of a fish have learned, out of bitter experience, that the group of animal cells known as a fish hawk are to be greatly feared. By reason of the fact that many animal forms (including that of most men) live by eating the smaller and weaker animals, the "cell intelligence" of these animals which enter into and become a part of our being brings with it the FEAR growing out of  past experience in having been eaten alive.

This theory may seem to be far-fetched, but doesn't it seem that the source of our fears, which we will proceed to examine, are then fueled by social heredity?

Most of what you choose as belief comes through the laws and norms of our society. Any belief imposed upon the minds of the generation under its immediate control starts by being inherited from the generation before us. We change a little bit each generation, however it's important to know that as this article is referring to the term "social heredity", it should be understood to mean any and all sources through which a person acquires knowledge, such as schooling of religious and all other natures; reading, word of mouth conversation, story telling and all manner of thought inspiration coming from what is generally accepted as one's "personal experiences" and thus in today's world, social media.

Through social heredity anyone can impact control on the mind of anyone starting in childhood, through intense teaching. What we plant in that child's mind (any idea, whether false or true) in such a manner creates a belief that the child accepts. This belief becomes as much a part of the child's personality as any cell or organ of its physical body (and just as hard to change in its nature).

REMEMBER that when you make an appointment for your energy session. One session is not the cure of all of those current and generational beliefs you have bought into.

It is through the law of social heredity that the rigid plants in the child mind dogmas and creeds and social ceremonies too numerous to describe, holding those ideas before that mind until the mind accepts them and forever seals them as a part of its irrevocable belief.

The mind of a child which has not come into the age of general understanding, during an average period covering, let us say, the first two years of its life, is fluid, open, clean and free. Any idea planted in such a mind by one in whom the child has confidence takes root and grows, so to speak, in such a manner that makes it very hard to eradicate or wiped out, no matter how opposed to logic or reason that idea may be.

Many cultists claim that they can so deeply implant the tenets of their religion in the mind of a child that there never can be room in that mind for any other religion, either in whole or in part. The claims are not greatly overdrawn.

As you read this, what do you personal experiences and emotions do to you? It may feel very uncomfortable because you are thinking against that which you have been told is the only truth. For the moment at least, lay aside your judgement and preconceived ideas and beliefs aside (you may always go back and pick them up again, you never know) while I share with you the origin and nature of man's Six Worst Enemies, the six basic fears, beginning with:

THE FEAR OF POVERTY: It requires courage to tell the truth about the origin of this fear, and still greater courage, perhaps, to accept the truth after it has been told. The fear of poverty grew out of our inherited tendency to prey upon our fellow man economically. Nearly all forms of lower animals have instinct but appear not to have the power to reason and think; therefore, they prey upon one another physically. As humans, with his superior sense of intuition, thought and reason, we do not eat our neighbors bodily; we gets more satisfaction out of eating them FINANCIALLY!

Of all the ages of the world of which we know anything, the age in which we live seems to be the age of money worship. What the influence of social media and reality TV on the marketing and technology of this last decade. You are considered less than the dust of the earth unless you can display a fat bank account, and the lifestyle to go with it. If you cannot allow a friend in your home to help you without cleaning up and doing your hair, you have fallen prey to this fear. Nothing brings us so more suffering and humiliation than POVERTY. No wonder we FEAR poverty so much. This comes through a long line of inherited experiences that our parents and their parents, and beyond learned, for certain.

As a human-animal, we cannot always be trusted where matters of money and other evidences of earthly possessions are concerned when dealing even with your family. Many marriages have their beginning (and oftentimes their ending) solely on the basis of the wealth possessed by one or both of the contracting parties.

It is no wonder that the divorce courts are busy!

"Society" could quite properly be spelled "$ociety," because it is inseparably associated with the dollar mark. So eager are we to possess wealth that we will acquire it in whatever manner we can. I have been partnered with direct sales and network marketing for decades, and this fear is what is driven home in order to get you to "buy in", "sell your family" and it's a sad state of lies most of the time. If you are passionate, and you share authentically your passions... that is the best you can do to attract the money that is always available to you.

The fear of poverty is a terrible thing!

People commit murder, engage in robbery, rape and all other manner of violation of the rights of others and still regain a high station in the minds of his fellow men, PROVIDING they have not lost their wealth. In fact the wealthy are less likely to be charged, than those without. Poverty, therefore, is a crime-an unforgivable sin, as it were.

No wonder man fears it!

Obviously no man would ever fear poverty if he had any grounds for trusting his fellow men, for there is food and shelter and clothing and luxury of every nature sufficient for the needs of every person on earth, and beyond. Commercialism has proven that.  All of these blessings would be enjoyed to every person, but we are too busy trying to to push everyone else out of the running, even after we have all and more than we need.

The second of the six basic fears with which man is bound is:

THE FEAR OF OLD AGE: In the main this fear grows out of two sources. First, the thought that Old Age may bring with it POVERTY. Secondly, and by far the most common source of origin, from false and cruel sectarian teachings which have been so well mixed with "fire and brimstone" and with "purgatories" and other bogies that human beings have learned to fear Old Age because it meant the approach of another, and possibly a much more HORRIBLE, world than this one which is known to be bad enough.

In the basic fear of Old Age man has two very sound reasons for his apprehension: the one growing out of distrust of his fellow men who may seize whatever worldly goods he may possess. Who hasn't had the fear that if they don't have enough, they will be desolate in old age? The other arouse from the terrible pictures of the world to come through famine, war, and all of that which was deeply implanted in our minds, in fact long before we even came into possession of that mind.

Is it any wonder that we fear the approach of Old Age?

The third of the six basic fears is:

THE FEAR OF CRITICISM: Just how man acquired this basic fear it would be hard, if not impossible, definitely to determine, but one thing is certain, it is a well developed form in our society and has grown in the last several years.

Some believe that this fear made its appearance in the mind of man about the time that politics came into existence. Others believe its source can be traced no further than the first meeting of an organization of females known as a "Woman's Club." Still another school of humorists charges the origin to the contents of the Holy Bible, whose pages abound with some very interesting forms of criticism. If the latter claim is correct, and those who believe literally all they find in the Bible are not mistaken, then God is responsible for man's inherent fear of Criticism, because God caused the Bible to be written. Does that sound like the highest source of energy... love?

The fear of Criticism takes on many different forms, the majority of which are petty and trivial in nature, even to the extent of being childish in the extreme. We are driven to appearance, with such and increase with the growth of social media. Instead of just wanting to be like the wealthy, or movie stars, or the popular kids in class, now we are asking our bodies to be something they are not. IN every soul there has been deposited the seed of a great future, but that seed will never germinate, much less grow to maturity, except through the rendering of useful service, and refusal to buy into the criticism around us.

Consider this... who establishes the "styles" of today? Certainly not the purchaser of clothes. Instead it is the manufacturers. Why do the styles change so often? Obviously this change is made so that the manufacturer can sell more clothes. How do they help us all along with our belief? With photoshop, social influence and desire. Perhaps it is our lizard brain that fears being singled out if we step out of the majority rules. Is this not true? Does not your own experience back it up?

Powerful and mighty is the fear of CRITICISM!

The fourth basic fear is that of:

THE FEAR OF LOSS OF LOVE OF SOMEONE: The source from which this fear originated needs but little description, for it is obvious that it grew out of man's nature to be with. Ever since you popped out of the womb, you have been wanting to get back into that connective state. We steal our fellow man's mate; find jealousy in friendships, and favoritism in family and business . By nature we lack the truth of all being connected energetically, of course, and so with denial of source from where we came we believe ourselves to be lost and lacking for most of our days.

There can be but little doubt that jealousy and all other similar forms of more or less mild insanity grew out of this inherited fear of the Loss of Love of Someone.Yes, there is an ending to being in this body, and this for our loved ones is one of the most painful, if not in fact the most painful, of all the six basic fears. And it seems reasonable to add that this fear plays more havoc with the human mind than do any of the other six basic fears, often leads up into a space that is more lonely than we should ever be. We are all connected, and yet we still feel so alone.

The fifth basic fear is that of:

THE FEAR OF ILL HEALTH: This fear has its origin, to considerable extent also, in the same sources from which the fears of Poverty and Old Age are derived.

The fear of Ill Health must needs be closely associated with both Poverty and Old Age, because it also leads toward the border line of "terrible pains" of which man knows not, but of which he has heard some discomforting stories. In today's world there are so many more people that have fallen ill of health, however the truth of wellness is very simple. Every day for each person looking for answers there is another engaged in the business of selling "the best" methods that if you do not follow, you will be ill. This is keeping the fear of Ill Health alive in the human mind.

Remember for longer than the record of the human race can be relied upon, the world has known of various forms of natural therapy. If we follow the minimal path, it seems but nature is the true healer, and medicine is what we seek when nature isn't enough. Perhaps it is that over generations we have inherited a fear of Ill Health, so maybe now is the time to offer hope.

Yet, the sixth and last of the six basic fears is that of:

THE FEAR OF DEATH: To many this is the worst of all the six basic fears, and the reason why it is so regarded becomes obvious to even the casual student of psychology.

The terrible pangs of fear associated with DEATH may be charged directly to religious fanaticism, the source which is more responsible for it than are all other sources combined.

So-called "heathens" are not as much afraid of DEATH as are the "organized" groups that are out there telling you what your faith has to be and mean. Even within religion is it not your own choice to decide what influence of theology really has to do with your belief in a higher power?

For hundreds of millions of years man has been asking the still unanswered (and, it may be, the unanswerable) questions, "WHENCE?" and "WHITHER?" "Where did I come from and where am I going after death?"

Witness, now, the major source of origin of the fear of DEATH!

"Come into my tent, embrace my faith, accept my dogmas (and pay my salary) and I will give you a ticket that will admit you straightway into heaven when you die," says the leader of one form of sectarianism. "Remain out of my tent," says this same leader, "and you will go direct to hell, where you will burn throughout eternity."

While in each generation there will be many self-appointed leaders, it's important to consider is it truth that only those few humans may be able to provide you with safe-passage into heaven? Or if you choose ... as the unfortunate seeker of truth you will descend into hell? The possibility of the latter seems so terrible that it lays hold of the mind and creates that fear of fears, the fear of DEATH!

In truth if you base your knowledge on what you are seeing in this reality, and align yourself with what no man has ever known, what heaven or hell is like, or if such places exist, you back yourself into a belief. Does a lack of definite knowledge opens the door of the human mind to become a follower, and control our mind with trickery, deceit and fraud?

The truth is this - nothing less and nothing more - That NO MAN KNOWS NOR HAS ANY MAN EVER KNOWN WHERE WE COME FROM AT BIRTH OR WHERE WE GO AT DEATH. Any person claiming otherwise is either deceiving himself or he is a conscious impostor who makes it a business to live without rendering service of value, through play upon the credulity of humanity.

Be it said, in their behalf, however, the majority of those engaged in "selling tickets into heaven" actually believe not only that they know where heaven exists, but that their creeds and formulas will give safe passage to all who embrace them.

This belief may be summed up in one word - CREDULITY! This is the tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true.

Religious leaders, generally, make the broad, sweeping claim that the present civilization owes its existence to the work done by the churches. This author, as far as he is personally concerned, is willing to grant their claims to be correct, if, at the same time he be permitted to add that even if this claim be true the theologians haven't a great deal of which to brag.

But, it is not - cannot be - true that civilization has grown out of the efforts of the organized churches and creeds, if by the term "civilization" is meant the uncovering of the natural laws and the many inventions to which the world is the present heir. Does that feel light to you??

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