Freud believed that dreams were created by internal conflicts and unconscious forces. The interpretation of dreams by dream experts may be almost as old as dreaming itself. All humans, and many animals, dream every night, and humans have always been fascinated to learn what causes dreams and what they mean. Phenomenology is defined as the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness as a preface to or a part of philosophy. Research now is trying to work through the idea of the etheric plane, the phenomenal consciousness, access consciousness and self through our waking and dreaming moments to bridge phenomenology and neuroscience together.
The work of interpretation of our dreams dates back at least as far as 3000-4000 B.C. We know that because the interpretations of dreams were recorded in permanent form on clay tablets. It is thought that many primitive peoples were unable to initially distinguish between the real world and the dream world. In many cases, these people looked upon the dream world as an extension of the physical world around them, and in many cases they saw the dream world as more powerful than the waking one.
Dream interpretation was such an important field to the ancient Greek and Roman world that dream interpreters often accompanied generals and other military leaders into battles. Dreams were taken extremely seriously, and the Greeks and Romans in particular often viewed dreams as messages sent by their gods.
Dreams also had a religious content in ancient Egypt, and priests their doubled as dream interpreters. Dreams were among the items recorded by the ancient Egyptians in the form of hieroglyphics. Those whose dreams were especially vivid or significant were thought to be blessed and were given special status in these ancient societies. Likewise, people who were able to interpret dreams were thought to receive these gifts directly from the gods, and they enjoyed a special status in society as well.
There are over 700 mentions of dreams in the bible, and people in biblical times saw dreams as very significant. Dreams and their interpretations are mentioned in many of the most significant books of the bible and other holy scriptures.
In many cases, dreams were often seen as a form of prophecy. People often interpreted their dreams as omens or warnings, and adjusted their activities accordingly. Dreams were often thought of as omens from deities, as messages from spirits, or as messages from departed souls. In some cases, dreams were even seen as the work of demons, meant to confuse and trouble the dreamer.
Dreams were so important that they often dictated the actions of political and military leaders, affecting everything from the prosecution of a battle to the outcome of a political decision. Dreams were also thought to provide vital clues to healers, and they were used in the diagnosis and treatment of all manners of illness. Healing stones or crystals were used, and Greek mythology saw amethyst as being a tear drop of the God, Dionysus, mixed with wine and spilled to earth. Amethyst along with lilac and lavender essential oils, through history have been considered to be this meditative and calming energy which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace, and eliminate our humanly impatience. I can see how these would have been helpful for dreams, and dream interpretation.
Dreaming was often looked upon by indigenous peoples as a way to commune directly with gods and spirits, and dreams are still used in this way by cultures around the world. Many people believed, and some still do, that during dream sleep the soul leaves the body and communes with the spirit world. our etheric body or subtle body is the more physical lowest layer in our human energy field or aura. So as we dream we can move closer to the energy connections of others, and we see these connections as sparks of dreams.
The Chinese are one culture who traditionally believed that the soul left the body each night during dream sleep. They believed that if the dreamer were suddenly awakened the soul may not be able to return to the body. That is why some Chinese are still leery about the use of alarm clocks. Also some Mexican and Native American societies share this energy view of the importance of dreams, and share the belief in a separate dimension that is visited during dream sleep. Many people believe that our departed ancestors connect with us in dreams, and through history there is the believe that our ancestors lived in our dreams. In those dreams they are able to take forms like animals and plants, and tell us stories, or important messages. Thus dreams have been seen as a way for us to commune with ancestors, and to gather wisdom and knowledge that would serve us in our waking lives. This opens up the possibilities for gathering information about our purpose or mission in life.
Amethyst is one of the most common stones that are recommended to help you to sleep better. Amethyst Crystals are made from quartz, and quartz has strong amplification properties and they may also be programmed as well. This is no wonder since this amazing crystal has a vibration at a high frequency, and can create a bubble of spiritual protection against negative energy. Amethyst is very transitional, and offers not just sleep support, but can balance your energy throughout the day. This is because when wearing amethyst in a pendant or bracelet, or keeping it nearby, it will shield against psychic attack, paranormal energy, and just counteracts negative energies in any location. And though protective of the third eye, amethyst can stimulate our crown chakra to receive direct communication from the Divine source.