New Mindset Unicorn Membership Level include Reiki Level I Training!

By Barbara Christensen - 5:10 PM

New Mindset Unicorn Membership Level include Reiki Level I Training!

I'm excited to be offering a brand new monthly membership level that offers you the invitation to open up your energetic connections. This membership will include a monthly meditation, a monthly belief clearing, once a month energy webinar covering lunar phases and energy practices, as well as one monthly modality surprise. This month I included a lymphatic nogier frequency.

But the very best part is that month one you can start going through the Reiki Level I Training videos, and download your Reiki Level I Training Manual. Month two or beyond you can request your Reiki Level I Attunement and start creating that change for your vibrational lifestyle.

Just click on the photo above to enroll and get started. March videos are already uploaded and ready to help you create possibilities with the March 9th Worm Full Moon.

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