Which miserable #diet did you start the year with? Not me!! I did go in for 30 days this last month of no sugar, and I do get a little more strict for ten days each month, but most of what I do is I just follow my cravings. And guess what, I no longer crave sugar, or bread, and I am getting tons of fruits, veggies and fiber without having to plan big. I'm starting my next ten day if you're interested, just let me know. Or ...Pick your favorite below and see... Most likely it won't be your last diet. I refuse to ever "diet" again. This shows which diets have been labeled as the "best". How many of the "best" diets are you ready to throw out the window? I can tell you the reason they haven't worked long-term for you. You haven't addressed your truth. You haven't addressed your DNA, your leaky gut, your emotional eating. You haven't put yourself first in a long time. You've bought into the judgement that you can't, won't, shouldn't, instead of the magic that is within your body to create its self. I am not saying these don't work. I am saying you have bought into it not working for you... 😍 Come on with me... You are ready!! 1. #DASH 2. #Mediterranean 3. #MIND 4. (tie) #Flexitarian & Mayo Clinic & #TLC & #WeightWatchers 8. (tie) The Fertility Diet & #Volumetrics 10. (tie) Jenny Craig & Ornish & Vegetarian 12. Traditional Asian 16. (tie) Flat Belly & Nutrisystem & Spark Solution 19. Vegan 20. (tie) Eco Atkins & Engine 2 & HMR & Slimfast 24. South Beach 25. (tie) Abs Diet & Glycemic Index & The Zone 28. #Macrobiotic 29. (tie) Medifast & Supercharged #Hormone Diet & Acid Alkaline Diet 32. (tie) Body Reset & The Fast Diet & Raw Food Diet 35. #Atkins 36. #Paleo 37. #Dukan 38. #Whole30
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!