Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 10:25 PM
I love this family...and the fact that we're almost always together is a blessing, not a hinderence. ❤ in love with tucking my daughter in. In her life of 4356 days we've spent one night apart. I cherish this time with my family because as my husband looks to be traveling more in 2018 for work... And she's getting older. The time will come where we won't have those guarantees of being together at bedtime. Because of our homeschooling, my daughter was with me the other day when I had gotten some bad news.. She watched me be strong, and she watched me cry. And she knows that as an adult and parent you can do and be both. She also was able to go get a kiss from her dad, because she needed it. That is essential to make sure she marries someone that will drop what they're doing to put her first when it's important. It takes sacrifice to put your family first in this manner...but that's the priority I set when we decided to start a family. It is what works for us and it is worth every minute to me. ...For us. ❤ So if you're feeling the struggle of electronics, classes, sports, friends, work... Find the time this week to drop everything and reconnect. Family is special and the greatest connections in our life.
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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