Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 12:48 AM
Cannabinoids are just as effective as existing drugs for the prevention of migraine. For cluster headache, however, cannabinoids may only benefit patients who have experienced migraines since childhood. This is from the findings of a new study recently presented at the 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. So yes I did use essential oils with #cannabinoids without my bug to help her with her #migraine. Did some spinal application and let her and her super cool glasses hang out and watch movies and rest all day. She sipped on turmeric and ginger with algae oil, and minerals in water last night and this morning. Food based support for the body is always important. I also used an #arnica salve on her leg where the migraine started, and made sure she got her supplementation which is even more important.
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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