Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 9:37 AM
This morning I pulled on a pair of jeans I couldn't get into a few months ago as I was struggling with my hormones... (my friends understand this and the autoimmune issues) About an hour later I caught my reflection and smirked. I immediately corrected my attitude. You can't let negativity creep into your life!! I feel amazing and healthy. I am able to do a week like this without overly taxing my adrenal. I will leave today's training and go play glow mini golf ⛳ with my family and that's what it's really about. This #wellness support is my gift every day!!! I am ...I will .... I CAN!! ❤❤❤ #adrenalmom #belief #attitude #welljourney #loveyourself
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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