Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 7:47 PM
The powerof #plants ... In the first photo I was pregnant taking synthetic prenatal. I miscarriages. In the second photo I was six months post having my daughter. First I am grateful the prenatals made me so sick I took 1/4 of the amount if at all most days. After having her I felt like garbage inside and out...but she was and still is precious! She was dealing with colic, acid reflux and overall tummy misery at that point. Zoom forward to now..Were both grateful to the power of adding over 40 plants 🌿🍓🍊🍇🍅 to our bodies every day. I feel the joy from being aligned to my heart and my genetic makeup. #plantstrong #mthfr #aps #stickyblood #adrenal #wellness #paleo #ilovemykid #PaleoVegeo
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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