Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 9:25 AM
Are you ready to add some #joy to your life? So many of my small business owners are chasing...All the time. There's this almost inability for some visionaries to really simplify and focus on a plan. Of course if your business plan is just sales, then you're likely to become a slave not only to the numbers, but a slave to the negativity that attaches itself to it. Living in the moment requires a focus on emotional connection, not numbers. Yes it's the sale that feeds your family. But is the alignment to your true purpose, the really deep heart felt knowing that creates. With that creation comes joy and growth of both self and business. This is how you're able to be your authentic truth. Without it you are just a shell, a fake...Lacking something special. And believe me, your niche market will either feel it and think less of you, or try to grab on for their own agenda. Either way, that's not what I would want from my life's purpose. What about you? #lifecoach #joycreation #findyourself #freedom #soulpurpose #energymoment ❤
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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