Joy Fit Motherhood Life

By Barbara Christensen - 1:18 PM
While so many kids are sitting in a classroom, we're here. Swimming, learning, building self confidence... And learning relationship building skills. Because the global world is changing. When people from Japan are calling trying to get ahold of your products because they've been featured and touted everywhere...and they aren't in Japan. That's a relationship market. That's a changing economy. That's the future. There will be a service economy and a relationship economy in the future. I believe everything else is being phased out by us. So we swim, and learn, and laugh. Tomorrow we'll have one book work, but again not sitting in chairs learning to test. I am so blessed I figured this out after three weeks of preschool. Nine years later, here we are. #blessed #homeschooling #goyamindset #mompreneur #workinaroundpriorities #puresoulfire
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!

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