This is my on the go, anytime, whole foods nutritional shake. It's a complete meal. Full nutrition and of course #nongmo, #glutenfree and #vegan. It fits into our lifestyle, and has saved me more than you can imagine. I have had so many other vegan shakes and for me none compare. Buy two packages and you'll get a shake a day for about $65/month. Buy four packages and jump into the T120. 2 Shakes + 2 snacks + 1 meal (no gluten, no dairy for 120 days) and see what it does for you!! Very similar to the #Newcastle diet, but full of whole nutrition. I recommended for beat results (as a Nutritional Therapist) you add the whole foods capsules and flaxseed or vegan omegas. Thus combination will give you the nutrients your body needs.. Learn more at or
Just a moment of Joy Fit Motherhood today!